
Diploma in Computer Application

DCA enables you to gain in-depth knowledge about computers and similar technologies in a shorter amount of time.
  • Language: Hinglish
  • Duration: 6-8 months

What will you learn in this Mastery Course

  • Comprehensive course materials and resources for continued learning
  • To demonstrate a practical knowledge for solving problems.
  • Experienced instructors with industry expertise
  • To provide in depth knowledge to help in further study.
  • Access to online learning platform with recorded lectures and quizzes.
  • Project-based assignments for real-world experience.
  • Career guidance and support with job placement assistance
  • Certification upon completion for validation of skills and knowledge.

₹3000  ₹9000

  • Online Classroom
  • 15+ hours classes
  • 2 Year LMS access
  • Course Materials
  • Certificate of Completion

What you'll learn

Section 01 : Computer - Home

Section 02 : Computer - Overview

Section 03 : Computer - Applications

Section 04 : Computer - Generations

Section 05 : Computer - Types

Section 06 : Computer - Components

Section 07 : Computer - CPU

Section 08 : Computer - Input Devices

Section 09 : Computer - Output Devices

Section 10 : Computer - Memory

Section 11 : Computer - RAM

Section 12 : Computer - Read Only Memory

Section 13 : Computer - Motherboard

Section 14 : Computer - Memory Units

Section 15 : Computer - Ports

Section 16 : Computer - Hardware

Section 17 : Computer - Software

Section 18 : Computer - Number System

Section 19 : Computer - Number Conversion

Section 20 : Computer - Data and Information

Section 21 : Computer - Networking

Section 22 : Computer - Operating System

Section 23 : Computer - Internet and Intranet

Section 24 : Computer - How to Buy?

Section 01 : Operating System

Section 02 : Taskbar Setting

Section 03 : Desktop Setting

Section 04 : Files & Folder

Section 05 : Screen Saver

Section 06 : Control Panel

Section 01 : Paint

Section 02 : NotePad

Section 03 : WordPad

Section 04 : Character Map

Section 05 : Calculator

Section 06 : Disk Cleanup

Section 07 : Disk Defragmenter

Section 01: Course Introduction

Section 02: Microsoft Word Essentials

Section 03: Microsoft Word Basics of Entering and Editing Text

Section 04: Formatting a Microsoft Word Document

Section 05: Page Layout Techniques

Section 06: Finalize Your Microsoft Word Document and Print Options

Section 07: Working with Microsoft Word Tabs

Section 08: Working with Microsoft Word Tables

Section 09: More Word Styles Features

Section 10: Working with Pictures in a Word Document

Section 11: Adding Videos to a Microsoft Word Document

Section 12: Microsoft Word Mail Merge

Section 13: Working with Microsoft Word Forms

Section 14: Creating Microsoft Word Templates

Section 15: Microsoft Word Document Protection

Section 16: Microsoft Word Track Changes

Section 17: Building a Table of Contents with Style

Section 18: Adding Footnotes and Endnotes

Section 19: Working with Citations

Section 20: Working with Captions and Cross-References

Section 21: Creating a Word Document Index

Section 22: Assignment


·        The PowerPoint Environment

·        Overview of the Ribbon

·        The “File” Tab and Backstage View

·        The Quick Access Toolbar

·        The Presentation View Buttons

·        The Zoom Slider

·        The Status Bar

·        The Mini Toolbar

·        Keyboard Shortcuts


·        Opening Presentations

·        Closing Presentations

·        Creating New Presentations

·        Saving Presentations

·        Inserting New Slides

·        Applying Slide Layouts

·        Working with PowerPoint File Formats


·        Normal View

·        Slide Sorter View

·        Notes Page View

·        Slide Show View

·        Reading View


·        Adding Text to Slides

·        Basic Object Manipulation

·        Font Formatting

·        Paragraph Formatting

·        Applying Custom Bullets and Numbering

·        Using Tabs

·        Setting Text Box Options

·        Checking Spelling


·        Inserting Clip Art and Pictures

·        Basic Graphic Manipulation

·        Using Picture Tools

·        The Format Picture Dialog Box

·        Creating Photo Albums


·        Inserting and Manipulating SmartArt

·        Formatting SmartArt


·        Running a Slide Show

·        Using Custom Shows


·        Using Page Setup

·        Setting the Slide Header and Footer

·        Previewing and Printing


·        Adding Slide Transition

·        Adding Object Animation

·        Working with various Animation Effects

·        Applying custom Animations

·        Working with Text Animation

·        Understanding Effect Options


·        Inserting Shapes

·        Formatting Shapes

·        Inserting WordArt


·        Inserting Videos

·        Inserting Audio

·        Animating Multimedia Playback

·        Recording a Sound


·        Applying Themes

·        Creating Custom Color Schemes

·        Creating Custom Font Schemes

·        Customizing the Slide Background


·        Using Slide Masters and Slide Layouts

·        Using the Notes Master

·        Using the Handout Master

·        Saving a Presentation Template


·        Setting Up the Slide Show

·        Recording Narration

·        Rehearsing Timings


·        Inserting Actions

·        Inserting Hyperlinks


·        Inserting Charts

·        Inserting Tables

·        Inserting Objects


Section 01 :  Introduction to Microsoft Excel

Section 02 :  Understanding Excel Navigation

Section 03 :  Working with Format Cells

Section 04 :  Excel Time Saving Utilities

Section 05 :  Excel Security & Data Backup

Section 06 :  Concept of Cell Referencing

Section 07 :  Working with Functions & Formulas

Section 08 :  Name Management in Excel

Section 09 :  Data Validation to Restrict Invalid Data

Section 10 :  Analyzing Data with Conditional Formatting

Section 11 :  Preventing Wrong Decisions using Excel Table

Section 12 :  Working with Charts in Excel

Section 13 :  Data Analysis with Pivot Tables

Section 14 :  Working with Excel Data Filter

Section 15 :  Working with Excel Array Formulas

Section 16 :  Analyzing Data with What-If Analysis

Section 01 : HTML - Home

Section 02 : HTML - Overview

Section 03 : HTML - Basic Tags

Section 04 : HTML - Elements

Section 05 : HTML - Attributes

Section 06 :  HTML - Formatting

Section 07 : HTML - Phrase Tags

Section 08 : HTML - Meta Tags

Section 09 : HTML - Comments

Section 10 : HTML - Images

Section 11 : HTML - Tables

Section 12 : HTML - Lists

Section 13 : HTML - Text Links

Section 14 : HTML - Image Links

Section 15 : HTML - Email Links

Section 16 : HTML - Frames

Section 17 : HTML - Iframes

Section 18 : HTML - Blocks

Section 19 : HTML - Backgrounds

Section 20 : HTML - Colors

Section 21 : HTML - Fonts

Section 22 : HTML - Forms

Section 23 : HTML - Embed Multimedia

Section 24 : HTML - Marquees

Section 25 : HTML - Header

Section 26 : HTML - Style Sheet

Section 27 : HTML - Javascript

Section 28 : HTML - Layouts

Section 01 : CSS Introduction

Section 02 : CSS Syntax

Section 03 : How to Link or Add CSS in HTML

Section 04 : CSS Selector

Section 05 : Comments in CSS

Section 06 : Colors in CSS

Section 07 : Backgrounds in CSS

Section 08 : Borders in CSS

Section 09 : CSS Height and Width

Section 10 : CSS Padding

Section 11 : CSS Margin

Section 12 : CSS Box Model

Section 13 : CSS Text

Section 14 : CSS Link

Section 15 : CSS Fonts

Section 16 : CSS Units

Section 17 : CSS Cursor

Section 18 : CSS Important

Section 19 : Box Shadow

Section 20 : CSS Opacity

Section 21 : CSS Filter

Section 22 : CSS Image Sprites

Section 23 : CSS Gradient

Section 24 : CSS Overflow

Section 25 : CSS Resizable

Section 26 : CSS Lists

Section 27 : CSS Tables

Section 28 : CSS Functions

Section 29 : CSS Box Sizing

Section 30 : CSS Initial vs Inherit

Section 31 : CSS Object-fit

Section 32 : CSS Pseudo-classes

Section 33 : CSS Pseudo-elements

Section 34 : CSS Display Property

Section 35 : CSS Position Property

Section 36 : CSS Layers and Z-index

Section 37 : CSS Float and Clear

Section 38 : CSS 2D Transforms

Section 39 : CSS Transition

Section 40 : CSS Animation

Section 41 : Print Specific Style in CSS

Section 42 : Responsive Web Design in CSS

Section 43 : Viewport Meta in CSS

Section 44 : Media Query in CSS

Section 45 : Advanced Selectors in CSS

Section 46 : Specificity in CSS

Section 47 : Multiple Columns in CSS

Section 48 : Flexbox in CSS

Section 49 : CSS Grid

Section 50 : CSS Validation

Section 51 : CSS Animation


Section 01 : Internet

Section 01 : Audio & Video Player

Section 02 : Audio Recording & Editing

Section 03 : Video Recording & Editing

Section 01 : Project on Word

Section 02 : Project on Excel

Section 03 : Project on PowerPoint

Section 04 : Project on HTML & CSS

Practice and learn till you are perfect



Let's get your doubts cleared.

Please ask yourself a question.. Do you need just how-to information on features, or you are looking for real in-depth concepts? In today's fast moving world, TIME and IMPLEMENTATION is the key to success. Can you afford bitterness of TIME against sweet low cost and cheap courses?

Letscraft Future Academy (Extrosoft Technology Private Limited) is always known for its quality and cost. The price you are investing on yourself will give you high return on investment.

A Diploma in Computer Application (DCA) is a one-year program that covers the basics of computer systems, hardware, operating systems, programming, databases, and office applications. It also provides students with an introduction to the Internet and web development.

Anyone, from any background or field of study, can take up this course because this is foundation course of computer science.

Offcourse Yes!. We cover everything from basic to advanced level. We will start from basic level with STEP by STEP and slowly slowly move to the advanced level.

Yes, it is a self-paced course and can be done along with college classes.

The course may include access to online resources such as lectures, tutorials, and assignments, as well as support from instructors and teaching assistants.

The format of the course are video lectures, interactive quizzes, assignments, and live sessions, the format should be outlined in the course description.

Yes, each lesson will be unlocked on alternative days so that you have ample time to learn core concepts & practice questions.

The lectures will be in recorded format and uploaded according to schedule(alternate days). Live sessions will taken in weekend.

Yes, the course has 400+ carefully curated questions solved in class. 

Yes, this is a certification course. You will get soft copy of the course completion certificate once you complete the course.

This course is mainly designed keeping in mind the students who want to pursue Diploma in IT and have good computer knowledge. All important concepts from basic to advanced have been covered in this course.

Honesty, we want serious learners in our eco-system who want to actualy learn and implement the concepts. If you are here just to experiment and doing nothing, please do not waste your valuable time and money. We do not provide refund. But I personally promise that the TRUST & TIME you are investing (forget about money), will be worth for it.

Meet your instructor

Learn from the best in the industry

Keshav Mishra

I love sharing my learning with community to help him to grow.

हमारे बारे में

मै केशव मिश्रा , लेट्सक्राफ्ट फ्यूचर एकेडमी मे आपका स्वागत करता हूँ | यहाँ हम आपको विश्वस्तरीय कंप्यूटर कोर्स उपलब्ध कराते हैं| मैंने इंटरमीडिएट के बाद ग्रेजुएशन (BCA) और पोस्ट ग्रेजुएशन (MCA) कंप्यूटर साइंस से ही किया है |

हमने कोर्स मॉडुल अपने 15 वर्षो के अनुभव के आधार पर तैयार किये हैं| हमारे इंस्टिट्यूट से कंप्यूटर कोर्स कर आप नेशनल और मल्टीनेशनल कंपनी में आसानी से जॉब इंटरव्यू पास कर सकते हैं|

कोविड-19 के कारण शिक्षा व्यवस्था लगभग ऑनलाइन मोड में शिफ्ट हो गयी है| अतः आज की मांग के अनुसार हम ऑनलाइन और रिकार्डेड वीडियो कोर्स प्रदान करते हैं|

हमारे कोर्स उनके लिए भी हैं जो किसी अन्य इंस्टिट्यूट से कंप्यूटर कोर्स कर चुके हैं| आप एक बार डेमो क्लास अवस्य लें|

Reviews from students

Now I can develop websites with awesome designs!
Web developer
I learnt Web Development from scratch. The tutorials and topics were well prepared, clearly explained, and easy to grasp.
Khushboo Jha
letscraft future academy
I got placed in a company for the role of Web Developer! It was only because of the training content which helped me improve my skills.
Guriya Kumari
Extrosoft technology pvt ltd
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Let's Invest on your self learning..

Regular Fees ₹ 9000/-

₹ 3000

(Offer ends on 19 th January)
Training | Certification | Videos | Lifetime Support

याद रखें.. "सीखना बंद तो जितना बंद

Better education for a Better World


Words of people who learned expert skills and knowledge and never looked back!


Strongly networked community of successful students


We Believe there is nothing more important than Education.
Got more questions?

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We offer the best-in-class training at the most affordable fees with the mission to minimize unemployability in India.
Ⓒ 2023, Letscraft Future Academy
Designed by ❤ Extrosoft Technology (P) Limited